YOUR HEALTH Wellness Centre – October 2020 Clinic Newsletter

YOUR HEALTH Wellness Centre – October 2020 Clinic Newsletter

Please help us welcome Dr. Danielle

We’re very happy to be able to share that Dr. Danielle Schiefer has joined the chiropractic team at YOUR HEALTH in the last few months, bringing her expertise and positive energy to our patients!

Dr. Danielle graduated with honours from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College and is also a certified contemporary medical acupuncture provider. She also has a particular interest in nutrition and is currently working to complete her Functional Nutrition Certification. You can find out more about her in her bio on our website.

Dr. Danielle is currently working Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30pm – 1:00pm, Tuesdays from 1:00pm – 6:00pm, and Saturdays from 8:30am – 12:30pm.

Combat the work-from-home ache!

With COVID-19, working from home became the new normal for many people. Here are tips on how to combat the work from home ache! [Read more]

Avoid the ache, know how to rake!

Fall is arguably the most beautiful season of the year. While working in the yard is an activity that many enjoy, it can cause back pain or other potential injuries if not done carefully. [Read more]

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We encourage feedback on your experience with us. If you have a few minutes, let us know how we did or how we could make your experience even better.