Reflexology deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in the hands and feet which directly correspond to all of the glands, organs, and parts of the body. Stimulating these reflex areas properly is a type of preventative maintenance and can help many health and wellness issues in a natural way. It reduces stress, helps manage pain, and promotes deep relaxation, physical healing, spiritual healing, and self-improvement. Reiki and Reflexology are highly effect together and in conjunction with other medical and therapeutic techniques.
Chakras (energy centers) are part of your energy body. They receive, generate, store, and transmute energy throughout your body. There are seven major and several minor chakras. Each chakra influences the functions of various organs and body systems and contribute to your feelings of physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Often, healing needs to take place on the mental, emotional, and spiritual level before a physical healing is possible. Reiki helps in this process by dislodging the lower and slower energies allowing them to be released; thus restoring the natural flow allowing the body to do what it does so well: heal itself.