YOUR HEALTH Wellness Centre – May 2020 Clinic Newsletter

YOUR HEALTH Wellness Centre – May 2020 Clinic Newsletter

YOUR HEALTH is here for you

Dear YOUR HEALTH families,

We know everyone is going through a rough time and we want you to know that YOUR HEALTH is here for you!

We are offering free 15-minute virtual health check-in appointments with your healthcare practitioners: Dr. Carole Smith, Dr Leann Shrum, or Dr. Lesley D’Souza.

Book your free 15-minute health check in now at  We have made it easy for you to connect with us.  If you have been to the clinic before, you already have a login to our system, either with the phone number or email address you provided us for booking appointments.

Here are the ways we can continue to help you:

  • Assessment by your practitioner of an acute or chronic condition
  • Education about lifestyle factors to prevent aggravating factors
  • Lifestyle modification and tools to support healing, including ergonomic advice and lifestyle changes
  • Prescription of rehabilitation exercise programs to help meet therapeutic goals and to stretch and strengthen appropriate structures
  • Make decisions as to whether in-office treatment is warranted

Book your free 15 minute health check-in at

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram and Twitter to get additional health facts and find out more about events.

We encourage feedback on your experience with us. If you have a few minutes, let us know how we did or how we could make your experience even better.